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Tim Henshall


Thanks for visiting my website. It's home to just a few of the countless images that I've taken over the last few years, whilst on my travels, To be honest, this is purely my online photo album, full of memories. 


I love travelling to new destinations and at the  time of writing, I'm up to 95 different countries visited across the globe - in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia, North and South America.


You won't find many pics of me. Instead, the images feature places, local people, buildings and (in Africa and India) plenty of wildlife.


Let me emphasise that I'm under no illusion that I am a photographer. Instead, I'm more of a happy snapper...which will become increasingly obvious, the more you delve into this site! Sadly, I don't have the technical know-how to do things properly. But after standing behind great photographers that I 've commissioned in my various marketing roles, I hope I have a decent eye for composition.


Many of the non-wildlife photographs here have been taken using an iPhone, or in the case of the earlier images, they were taken on early generation digital cameras where an image of 100kb was huge! So please forgive any pixelation.


Anyway, if any of my snaps inspire you to visit one of these destinations, then that's great. Also feel free to download and use any of them as you wish. If its in a publication or on a website, please do try to include a small credit : © Tim Henshall. 


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